happiness (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) happiness



Your output should use the following template:
# Title
puts this markdown: [{{TITLE}}]({{URL}})
## Summary
## Facts
## 1. Section Name
- [Emoji] Bulletpoint

Your task is to summarize the text I give you in up 7 concise bulletpoints by each sections and start with a short, high-quality summary. Pick a suitable emoji for every bullet point. If the  I gave you contains a number less than 50, please divide the Facts into sections by that number. Replace each Section Name with the appropriate name. Write better summarized Title from {{TITLE}}. Your response should be in {{SELECTED_LANGUAGE}}. If the provided URL is functional and not a YouTube video, use the text from the {{URL}}. However, if the URL is not functional or is a YouTube video, use the following text: {{CONTENT}}.


  • copy & pasteボタンが使えない→chromeのcross origin制約のせい
  • 自動的にどこかにsendしてほしい(例: obsidian)
  • 自動でタグつけて欲しい(obsidian用)
  • 長かったら続き出すボタンがほしい



  • 別の拡張機能使えばいい可能性を探索する
  • 無理そうだったらコード読んで自分で作る(安心の日本製)
    • 次回の土日にGPT-engneerに作らせてみるか



別にこの要約拡張機能じゃなくても、別のGPT系アプリもあり - auto-gptなど